The Difference Marriage & Cohabitation

Gia Macool


A common question on X is: "What’s the benefit of marriage over just living with a woman?" To truly understand, you need to experience both sides.

If you’re asking this question, then you publicly already admitted you don’t understand the purpose of marriage. Getting attention and sex is not marriage. Living with a woman isn’t marriage.

Why? Because it doesn’t build character.

Walking away at the first sign of trouble creates weak relationships. It doesn’t help you become a better person, which is why single men and women often grow bitter over time. They haven’t learned to better themselves for the sake of the other person.

That takes humility and respect. Marriage is a shared investment in the future.

The long game is where you win, growing together over time. Anyone who’s built something meaningful understands the value of the long game. Those who support each other from the start and show it through action, that’s true love.

Why does marriage bring challenges? Because it’s about blending two imperfect people into one. That adversity builds character.

If you view the relationship as “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours,” you’re not understanding marriage. You might as well not get married.

It’s why:

  • No-fault divorce laws

  • A culture normalizing single parenthood

  • Financial incentives to stay single

  • Casual sex being accepted

  • A lack of integrity in modern relationships

...have become so common.

Most people see marriage as a liability and don’t take their vows seriously.

I’m actually glad more people are opting out of marriage and kids, they don’t understand the purpose and want to remain individuals rather than build a union.

In conclusion:

  • Marriage is a personal choice, and neither choice makes someone better than the other.

  • The “marriage is for stupid people” mindset was created by stupid people.

  • What matters most is owning your decision and accepting the consequences.

  • None of us are escaping death & in the end it’s about love, which requires effort, sacrifice, & accountability.

  • If you make decisions based on what’s easy, you’ll regret it.

  • Choose a path based on self-awareness and accountability, with no regrets.